Mr Save ( सावे ) Milind
Milind explaining the shot to be taken, and director taking a backseat, as he is sitting and listening too, the scene was little complicated , as while cutting a potato Deepali ( the heroine ) sees blood coming out of it and in the same shot when I come and see it, there is no blood. good effective scene which was also shot well. This still picture has Sameer Atle ( Cameraman ) explaining his shot and where exactly the actors should come . Milind, Manohar , Swaroop kumar & the little girl listening carefully. Now before the shot same rehearsal for the director. 29Th June'08 9.30 pm . I Just had a very long chat over the phone with Milind, dear friend, a computer graphic designer, versatile, talented, very soon will be directing a feature film, was associated with lot of films, I met him on the set of " Mahima Kandobacha " , there were lot of complicated computer graphic shots, very pains taking, needed patience,and he had everything, I didn't know what magic he d...